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Hello There!

Hey there, I'm Courtney and thanks for stopping by my page! If you want to know a little more about me, what makes me tick, how I got to the place where I am today and what kind of tacos I like best, keep reading and I’ll give you a sneak peek of my story.

Growing up in New Hampshire I was an only child raised by an amazing single mother and I loved every moment of it. I love the quote "To grow up with very little and never know it, is the ultimate gift." From preschool through my senior year in high school there was never a dull moment as I was actively involved in my small New England community. When I look back, sometimes I wonder if I had incredibly long octopus arms and legs to be able to participate in all the activities I was in! I filled my days with school, volunteering, performing in plays and musicals. I was also very involved in school, travel and church sports (basketball and soccer mostly). I was the highest scorer on most of my basketball teams up to junior year in high school. I once broke a girl’s shin guard in soccer from one of my stronger kicks. (What can I say, I ate my vegetables).


Being busy kept me out of trouble and also gave me the opportunity to see so many different walks of life. I experienced different cultures, races, religions, family structures, political beliefs and socioeconomic statuses. I loved being one of the only ones to quietly observe that ten
different people could all say the word “no” in ten different ways. With diverse tones, dialects beats, a shift of the shoulder, a crinkled eyebrow or a blank face. There were a million different ways to say that simple word. I noticed them all thoroughly, detailed, up close, far away, secretly watching, interacting and even from the stories people would tell me. I noticed and took mental notes. I knew if there were a million different ways to say the word “no”, I was going to learn each and every one of them. That mindset has helped me tremendously in performing. In many cases while trying to develop different characters, I have been able pull from the multitude of people, experiences and situations I have had in my life. And yet, it still doesn’t stop me from spying on a stranger in the subway to see if I can perfect his distinct bold walk and mannerisms. I’m always learning and observing. Always.

I started acting from age four, throughout high school. After taking a year off I attended The American Music and Dramatic Academy in New York. Currently, I have my AA in Performing Arts after graduating from Westchester Community College and I am also in the process of exploring where I want to continue my education for my Bachelor’s degree. I have always enjoyed learning and gaining new experiences not only in life, but especially in school.

If I had to describe myself I would say I'm a humanist and advocate for love, diversity and acceptance. I always say that being biracial is my super power and I have learned how to love, empathize and help people from the strong influence of observing my mother.
When it comes to acting, being biracial gives me the unique ability to be versatile not only in my appearance, but in performing as well. People often ask my ethnicity and they usually guess that I’m Hispanic, Muslim, Black, Caribbean, Indian, Asian Indian, Biracial and even Italian! I'm always working on new dialects to go with what my appearance could be. My family thinks I'm crazy, but I think, if you come in with a British accent one day and leave with an African one the next, you’re winning and should get extra points for working on your craft!
Thanks so much for reading my long-winded way of saying “Hello!” I hope to hear from you soon and if you have any other questions feel free to contact me! I’ll be eating a chorizo taco, with pico de gallo, cheese and extra sour cream. You bring the napkins and we’ll call it a date.

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